Build your own high yield dividend stocks portfolio using the MaxDividends App strategy and follow it to live off the dividend income|
Your passive income:
5 years
Your passive income:
10 years
Your passive income:
15 years
The crisis of technology companies, the collapse of dot-coms. Meanwhile, your passive dividend income is +13.44%
The crisis of mortgage lending and banks. A lot of bankruptcies and complete uncertainty. Your passive income meanwhile is +9.70%
The consequences of covid and uncertainty in the world. Your passive dividend income meanwhile is +11.21%
Manage your own MaxDividends stock portfolio by following our strategy tips. Or, switch to autopilot by connecting your brokerage account to MaxDividends.
We scan over 5,000 U.S. stocks daily for companies fitting the high-dividend criteria of MaxDividends
Priority is given to companies showing long-term positive sales trends, indicating business growth
We choose companies that are increasing their revenue compared to previous periods
We select only companies that have been profitable for the last 10+ years
Companies must have paid dividends consistently for at least 10+ years
Companies distribute dividends from their profits, ensuring stable payments
As a result, companies consistently pay dividends and increase them over the years
Doing only what is necessary to maximize your passive income
The MaxDividends strategy relies on a strong financial analysis system, offering a well-balanced portfolio of high-yield dividend stocks. Simply buy the same stocks with your broker and continue with your personal MaxDividends strategy
Or switch to autopilot mode and have it all done automaticallyWe created MaxDividends App for ourselves and for everyone who wants to achieve financial freedom without spending a lot of time on it
MaxDividends App is a public project developed by its founders and 15 enthusiasts. We develop the service openly — along with our community on Substack
Your securities are your property under any circumstances. They aren't stored at MaxDividends App but are safely held with your broker
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